Welcome to Sweet Treats for Wet Noses

Our story

Hi, my name is Jessica, I started Sweet Treats back in 2021. My two pups Sasquatch and Jethro are my inspiration. Both have sensitive stomachs and one day I was wondering why they kept getting sick after I gave them a treat. It never occurred to me to check the ingredients of their treats. I looked at the ingredients, and I was shocked at how many chemicals where in their treats. After doing some research I realized that there are not a lot of restrictions on dog food or dog treats. And that’s when I started making treats with simple and natural ingredients. Not only are my treats made with simple and natural ingredients, but they also last a long time without any preservatives or chemicals. It’s my goal to provide each pup with tasty, simple, and natural dog treats that your pup will love!

Our Pup managers are Sasquatch, a Husky mix, and Jethro, a Jack Russel mix. They love to help me research and test out new flavors. Sasquatch absolutely loves our Molasses treats! He will gladly spin, talk, or roll over for those treats! Jethro loves our Pumpkin Peanut Butter treats! He has an extremely sensitive stomach and will gladly do anything for one of those treats! We now have a new Pup manager in Training! His name is Ratchet, a husky mix. He has been slowly learning from his big brothers.

Ingredient Information

We strive to use the best ingredients for your pup! Here is a list of our main ingredients and why we use them.

  • Whole Wheat Flour- This flour contains vitamin B6, which helps dogs maintain healthy blood cells. It also contains iron which supports oxygen transport throughout their bodies. Magnesium which helps with muscle contractions and relaxation. It contains Potassium which helps regulate blood pressure and body fluids. And it contains zinc which aids in wound healing and tissue growth.

  • Natural Peanut Butter- Peanut Butter contains protein, which helps support muscle growth and development. It also contians healthy fats, such as monounsaturated fats, which help in nutrient absorption, provide energy, and support brain function. Peanut Butter also contains lots of vitamins and minerals, that can aid in a shiny coat, regulate cholesterol, and strengthen bones.

  • Pumpkin- Pumpkin has several health benefits. It helps aids and sooth a dog’s digestive system. Pumpkin can ease constipations and prevent diarrhea due to its high fiber content. It’s great for stimulating the brain. Pumpkin aids in supporting a healthy immune system and eye health.

  • Molasses- Molasses help in treating constipation in dogs. Its easily digestible. Molasses can help treat skin conditions in dogs. It can be beneficial for any dogs with arthritis, it helps with alleviating the pain. Molasses can enhance bone strength in dogs. And it’s an excellent source of vitamin B6.